Vision and Mission
The Vision
Blooming Desert's vision is to empower communities in rural Kenya, with a majority of Christians, who are experiencing conflicts with wildlife and suffer from the effects of climate change to improve their own situation. The goal is to go beyond mere survival and find hope and a meaning in life, to value the place they have been placed in and to treat it with respect. This will enable a sustainable lifestyle to be achieved, reduce conflict with wildlife, limit the effects of climate change and alleviate poverty together.
The Mission
To achieve this vision, an environmental education program is being implemented that offers local communities a holistic experience. This includes Bible-based sermons on topics such as forests, soil, agriculture or wildlife, as well as practical activities that propose solutions, offer alternative sources of income, act as part of the whole system and invite to be in awe.
Observing and learning
In both nature conservation and missionary work, I have seen how people come to a new place with a 'ready-made' solution and try to implement it without knowing the needs, values, challenges and traditions of the local population. Accordingly, the method often does not last long, especially after these people leave again. I had the opportunity to get to know these local factors better between 2016 and 2023 and to learn from the local population in towns and villages in Uganda, South Africa, Botswana and Kenya. This observation and learning as well as meeting on eye-level and with respect is extremely important for further collaborations and appreciative coexistence.
Development of a first concept
Between August 2021 and January 2023, I lived in Kenya and was able to observe and learn more specifically while developing an initial concept with and for a local community. Because the concept development was the topic of my master's thesis, scientific principles on the topics of wildlife management, human-wildlife conflicts, social psychology, theology, awe research and creation theology were considered. Based on this, a theoretical framework could be developed and then adapted to their needs together with the community.
Public relations and fundraising
After completing my master's degree, I can now start to put the concept idea into practice. However, in order to implement it, it is first necessary to raise awareness of the topic and the potential of the concept through public relations and to secure the donation-based project financially. For this reason, I am currently traveling around Germany and Europe, giving presentations in churches and nature conservation facilities, meeting people, giving workshops, helping to organize church services,attending conferrences, giving public readings, organizing theme evenings and exhibiting photos and paintings on the topic.
Find location
Even though the concept can be implemented mobile in various locations in Kenya, and I am happy to accompany pastors and communities, the main focus is on having a permanent base, in order to be part of the community and not just drop by for a short time. It is also important not only to talk about things, but also to visibly live them out as well. Therefore, the next step is to find a place in Kenya that is well suited as a base location.
Building the base
As soon as this location has been found, the construction of the base can begin. This should, if possible, become our permanent residence, provide space for a lively community, have a garden in which new cultivation methods can be tried out and taught, and beehives set up, where ecological beekeeping can be taught. In an adjacent tree nursery, native tree species will be grown and forests reforested. In addition, a small library will provide material for training and further education in various fields. There are also plans to own a safari car so that we can take the local community on safaris, together with international tourists to allow exchange to happen, and possibly even train safari guides ourselves.
Ongoing scientific evaluation of progress
Due to the demand and the potential of this approach to mitigate conflicts between humans and wildlife in southern and East Africa and to limit the consequences of climate change, progress during implementation will be recorded empirically. Scientific support of the project will make it possible to assess the situation, make necessary changes and at the same time introduce this approach to other organizations and support one another.